Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Women's Crusade

I just read a wonderful article by Nicholas D. Kristof in the NYTimes Magazine. I think it was in a special section on Saving the World's Women. I think it can be accessed through the My neice who works for the State Dept mentioned in on Facebook and I thought I should spread the word while I try to figure out how I can personally help.


  1. Thanks Karin, I will look it up. Sorry about the long comment in your previous post, but I love history and your entry brought back all those thoughts.

  2. Yes, thank you. I will look it up too.

    You inspired Mimi to do a wonderful blog post today. If you haven't seen it yet, she quoted you, and posted the video. I'm so grateful for that one! I put it on my own Video Venue blog, so I can hear and see it whenever I want. I'm thinking it might be a good thing to post on November 5th too, when we do our Blogblast posts.
