Friday, August 21, 2009


I tried to post a comment to Celeste's wonderful story and photos of Patagonia. I'm not sure it got through. Several years ago before our health problems showed up it was one of our destinations but we couldn't figure out how to get there the way Eliot wanted to go - like down the Pan American highway! Our bucket list grows shorter. We did do a hike today to several lakes where Eliot fished and Karin read.


  1. Paul Theroux wrote many years ago "The Patagonia Express", but he never really traveled into Patagonia. The part in Argentina is mainly his conversations with Borges. I have been an avid reader of Borges all my life, have all his works. Now, before embarking on this trip to Patagonia, I reread Theroux's book and it did not hold well. I also learned from the conversations that Borges hated Patagonia. I was disappointed.
    It is impossible to hate a place so vast and so mysterious, a place that holds so many questions and answers, and exists mainly in your soul.

  2. Patagonia sounds so exotic. I looked at some pictures on line. It looks beautiful.
